Hiring managers, we know you’re looking for more than just a resume. You want someone qualified and enthusiastic, someone who will thrive in your company culture. But in your search for perfection, have you inadvertently created a hiring process that's so extensive, it requires its own project manager?

We've all heard the horror stories: endless rounds of interviews, radio silence for weeks, and the dreaded "we're still interviewing other candidates" email. It's a candidate's worst nightmare. Furthermore, according to a June report from a workforce solutions firm, the amount of time it takes to hire a new employee reached “an all-time high” in 2023.

Picture this: your ideal candidate is juggling multiple offers. While you're scheduling their fifth interview with the VP of Unnecessary Meetings, they've already accepted a position at a company that recognized their potential after a single, well-structured conversation.

The modern job market is a battlefield, and top talent doesn't stay on the sidelines for long. Lengthy interview processes lead to frustration, disengagement, and ultimately, candidate dropout. It's like inviting someone to a dinner party, then making them wait in the hallway for hours. They're likely to leave hungry and unimpressed.

But it's not just about losing out on great candidates. Drawn-out interviews can lead to decision fatigue even among the most seasoned hiring managers. When you're drowning in a sea of resumes and trying to remember who said what weeks ago, it's easy to make less-than-stellar choices.

And let's not forget the damage to your company's reputation. In the age of social media and online reviews, a negative candidate experience can spread like wildfire, deterring future applicants and tarnishing your employer brand.

So, how do you strike the right balance between thoroughness and efficiency? Start by clearly defining your needs. What are the must-have skills and experience for this role? What are the non-negotiable cultural values for the candidate? Once you have a crystal-clear picture of your ideal hire, you can streamline your process.

On the recruiter side of the fence, we can help expedite the process and work with the client to get things moving to ensure the hiring process isn’t dragged out. Monday Talent’s co-founder and COO, Carly Mednick, says,

“When we kick off searches, we always ensure to work with our clients to set the interview process from the beginning and guide them along the way. While we understand that it's important to have all key stakeholders involved, there are ways to expedite the process and keep it succinct. For example, can you have two people interview together? Can you have the candidate go into the office and meet with multiple people on one day? Setting the interview process in the beginning of the search (and sticking to it!), helps to mitigate the issue of candidates dropping out due to other offers, and at Monday Talent, we are there to guide our clients on the best way forward.”

Remember: leverage technology to your advantage. Video interviews and online assessments can help you quickly screen candidates and identify those who deserve a closer look. When it comes to in-person interviews, keep it focused and purposeful. Limit the number of interviews to what's truly necessary, and make sure each one has a clear objective.

Above all, communicate! Keep candidates in the loop throughout the process, even if it's just a quick email update. A little transparency goes a LONG way in building trust and maintaining a positive candidate experience.

The goal is to find the right person for the job, not to test their patience or endurance. By embracing a more streamlined and candidate-centric approach, you'll not only attract top talent but, also create a hiring process that's efficient, effective, and leaves everyone feeling respected and valued.


