We've all heard it a million times: sending a thank you note after a job interview is essential. But sometimes, those well-intentioned emails can feel a bit robotic. You know the type—generic pleasantries, cookie-cutter phrases, the kind that make you wonder if they were mass-produced in a thank-you-note factory.

Thank you notes might not be the highlight of your to-do list, but they don't have to be a soul-sucking chore either! Believe it or not, a well-crafted thank you note can turn a good interview into a job offer. Think of it as your final mic drop, a chance to remind them why they should bet on you. 

We also want to reiterate that they really matter! At Monday, we’ve witnessed first-hand how a well-crafted thank you note can tip the scales in your favor. We've also witnessed candidates miss out on incredible opportunities simply because they didn't follow up. A thank you note is more than a formality; it’s your mic drop moment–a final, resounding note that leaves them wanting more.

Here's the Monday lowdown on thank you note etiquette, with insider tips from our recruiters to help you craft a memorable message:

Timing is everything:

The sweet spot for sending a thank you note is within 24 hours of your interview. This shows you're prompt, enthusiastic, and truly interested in the role. But don't fire it off the second you leave the building – give yourself a few hours to reflect on the conversation and think about the highlights of the interview.

Pro tips: 

Morning Interview? Send your note by the end of the business day.

Afternoon/Evening Interview? Send it the following morning.

Personalize it:

Instead of regurgitating your resume, try to highlight a specific point from the conversation that resonated with you. Did you learn something new about the company? Or maybe you connected with the interviewer on your shared love for color coding? By mentioning a specific detail, you show you were present and genuinely interested in the conversation, not just going through the motions.

Nix the AI Speak:

Leave the buzzwords and clichés at the door. Your thank you note should sound like you! So leave the "synergy" and "paradigm shifts" at the door, and let your authentic voice shine through.

One Note Per Interviewer:

Ideally, if you interviewed with multiple people, send a separate thank you note to each person even if you met everyone together. To streamline the process, you can create a core message that highlights your enthusiasm and gratitude. Then, simply personalize it with a specific detail from your conversation with each person. It's a subtle touch that shows you were engaged and appreciative of their time. 

Sample Thank You Note Template

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I really enjoyed our conversation today about the [Job Title] role at [Company Name]. It was great getting a closer look at [specific aspect of the job/company that you found interesting], and it only fueled my enthusiasm for the position.

One thing that really stood out to me was [mention a specific detail from the conversation that resonated with you]. It's clear that [Company Name] is doing incredible work in the [industry/area].

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything else. I look forward to the possibility of working together and contributing to [specific goal or project mentioned in the interview].

Thanks again!



And remember, this is just a template!  Feel free to adapt it to fit your own voice and specific industry/role. The key is to show genuine enthusiasm that’s unique to your experience, while aiming to keep it professional and polished.

It's also not uncommon to have multiple rounds of interviews with the same individual. In this case, you should still send a thank-you note after each interaction. Keep it concise and focused, and don't forget to mention something personal from your latest conversation.

The moral of the story? Don’t underestimate the power of a strong thank you note. It's your final chance to leave a lasting impression, to remind them why you're the one they can't afford to pass up. So, ditch the clichés, unleash your inner wordsmith, and let your personality shine through!


